Ethics and Public Health in an Age of Terrorism is a carefully-crafted curriculum that explores the role of public health in addressing the ethical, emotional and legal dilemmas confronting those who plan for and respond to all hazards.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify historic roots and basic meanings of civil liberties and civil rights in American society
- Recognize the challenges a terror event and a “war on terror” make to civil liberties and civil rights
- Describe the ways the these challenges are met in law and in practice
- Identify the differing roles of the various branches of government and the problem of jurisdiction
- Explain the limits on government actions imposed by a separation of powers and what happens to these limits in an age of terror
- Summarize the authority and responsibility provided by the Emergency Powers Act
- Discuss the ethical issues raised by the potential conflicts between “command” authority and the separation of powers
- Examine the problems and possibilities of citizen participation
- Define and explain the similarities and differences between quarantine and isolation
- Recognize the limits of quarantine and isolation in dealing with communicable diseases
- Describe the ethical issues raised by the quarantine or isolation of individuals and communities
- Explain how the “harm principle” is used as a justification for implementing quarantine and isolation measures
- Describe the use of the “precautionary principle” in deciding whether or not to implement quarantine and isolation measures
- Explain the the difference between communication, risk communication, and propaganda
- Explain the relationship between knowledge, communication, and action
- Identify the roles and responsibilities of public authorities, health care professionals, the media, and others in a time of terror
- Recognize the myths and realities about sharing information with the public
- Discuss the practical and ethical consequences of nondisclosure of information, of “spin,” and of misinformation
- Identify the effects of a terror event on individuals' attitudes, behaviors, and relationships
- Describe how community and culture shape the ways in which individuals cope with terror
- Describe how community and culture are influenced by a terror event or during an “age of terrorism”
- Recognize the strengths that people and communities bring to disasters and to terror events
- Discuss how spiritual, religious, and cultural values affect our attitudes and our conduct
- Describe the diversity of customs and practices surrounding death and dying, medical treatment, public health authority, and political power
- Describe the effects of history and practice on the attitudes and conduct of religious and cultural minorities
- Recognize how poverty and institutional bias undermine the effectiveness of public health efforts
- Recognize how trust, justice, and fairness are necessary to effective responses to terror
- Describe the competitive forces at work in allocation policies
- Identify the difference that an “age of terrorism” has made in setting priorities
- Recognize the relationship between budget priorities and ethical decisions
- Explain the social and political factors that shape budget priorities
- Discuss the ethical issues that arise from this competitive situation
- Distinguish between ordinary medical priorities and those that appear after a WMD/T attack
- Recognize the conflicting roles, responsibilities, and choices facing caregivers and others
- Discuss the moral requirements of community-focused as opposed to individually-focused medical ethics
- Recognize the systemic relationships involved in the “food chain”
- Describe the particular vulnerabilities to which the food supply and its human, animal, and plant producers are subject
- Discuss the implications of the divide between urban and rural communities
- Recognize the relationship between professional community, tradition, and duty
- Define the meaning of the phrase “duties and privileges,” which marks the recognition of someone's professional status
- Discuss the usefulness and limits of professional codes of conduct
- Describe the consequences when caregivers and other professionals fail to meet their professional responsibilities or complete assigned tasks
- Identify the similarities and differences between obligations under conditions of clinical emergencies, natural disasters, and terror events
PHEP Capabilities:
Community Preparedness
Legal & Ethical
Online Course
10 hours
University at Albany, SUNY
New York-New Jersey PERLC