Emergency Preparedness Training for Hospital Clinicians is a web-based course that provides hospital and community-based clinicians with awareness level training concerning appropriate responses to emergency events whether they be biological, chemical, explosive, radiological or nuclear incidents.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)
- Describe the potential roles and responsibilities of hospital clinicians during an emergency
- Describe how to report appropriately within your hospital's Incident Command System (ICS)
- Identify reliable sources of information during an emergency and know how to access and utilize these information sources
- Describe how to identify and manage emergency-associated stress
- Describe how to enhance your own emergency preparedness and that of your family
- Describe a method for participating in the evaluation of the emergency response
- Recognize the role of the hospital and the clinician in the public-health response to biological incidents, be they naturally occurring or man-made
- Understand the safety procedures for protecting yourself and others as well as the integrity of the hospital environment during such an event
- Describe the various types of biological-warfare agents
- Recognize the signs and symptoms of infection/poisoning
- Understand how to manage and treat victims of a biological-agent incident
- Describe the various types of chemical-warfare agents
- Recognize the clinical picture associated with a chemical exposure
- Describe your role in the clinical management of a chemical exposure
- Recognize the basic safety procedures for protecting yourself, your patients, and your facility during a mass casualty event involving chemicals
- Describe how to enhance your own emergency preparedness and that of your family
- Understand how your institution’s emergency management plan may operate during an emergency involving the release of dangerous chemicals
- Recognize your role within the emergency management structure
- Define the term “radiation” and identify three common types of radiation
- Recognize some of the key terminology associated with radiation and radiological incidents
- Recognize the various types of radiological emergencies that could occur, and their potential health effects
- Distinguish between radioactive contamination and radiation exposure
- Describe appropriate medical interventions for radioactively exposed and/or contaminated patients
- Recognize the psychosocial issues that are likely to arise in a radiological emergency
- Understand how you can protect yourself from ionizing radiation when caring for patients who have been contaminated
- Recognize your potential roles and responsibilities concerning radiological injuries and mass casualty incidents (MCI) within the context of your hospital’s Emergency Management Plan
- Utilize the core terminology pertaining to explosive incidents
- Recognize the differences between high-order and low-order explosives
- Recognize some of the major injury patterns resulting from explosive incidents
- Identify some of the key treatment and medical-management issues pertaining to explosive and blast injuries
- Recognize, within the context of your hospital’s Emergency Management Plan, your potential roles and responsibilities as they relate to explosive injuries and mass-casualty incidents (MCI)
- Recognize some of the primary ways in which children differ developmentally, anatomically, and physiologically from adults, and understand the implications of these differences for providing appropriate pediatric care during an emergency or a disaster
- Understand how children may be affected by various kinds of emergencies and disasters, including chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) incidents
- Recognize the special needs of children during disasters and emergencies
- Identify some of the pediatric-specific symptoms caused by weapons of mass destruction
- Understand the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of these symptoms
- Understand the overall approach to pediatric preparedness and the implications for hospitals and hospital clinicians (including clinicians who practice within the hospital and those in off-site clinics, outpatient departments, and private medical practices)
- Recognize your potential roles and responsibilities as a hospital clinician during disasters or emergencies involving children
PHEP Capabilities:
Medical Surge
Mass Care & Mass Fatality
Online Course
6 hours
University at Albany, SUNY
New York-New Jersey PERLC
Medical Surge