The Home Health Workforce: Essential Community Partners in Preventing Transmissions of Pandemic Influenza and Other Viral Respiratory Diseases (Spanish Version)

Home Health Care (HHC) personnel already perform community-based health care through a broad-based home care delivery system, and, thus, are essential community partners in any public health emergency. An introduction of basics infection control methods and examples of day to day tasks performed by HHC aides, emphasizing key principles and methods of disease control in the home healthcare client and in the community. A H1N1 case study further illustrates the critical role played by home health in preventing transmission of viral respiratory illness such as seasonal influenza and a pandemic influenza.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Describe at least 3 differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza
  • Identify key characteristics of pandemic influenza including geographic distribution, person-to-person spread, signs and symptoms, and at-risk populations
  • Name methods to limit disease spread: 1 medical and 3 non-medical
  • List 3 tasks home health care aides may perform, in addition to routine duties, in the event of a pandemic
  • Explain the link between personal preparedness and professional preparedness
PHEP Capabilities: 
Community Recovery
Responder Safety and Health
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Community Preparedness
Medical Surge
Information Sharing
Infectious Disease & Immunization
Online Course
1.25 hours
Columbia University
Columbia Regional Learning Center