Making an emergency plan can be daunting, confusing and frustrating. During this webinar, expert planner, Mitch Stripling, MPA, Director of Emergency Planning at New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, provides the learner with a rich planning environment, loaded with a suite of tools, as he shares his experience and critical thinking in emergency planning. His ‘mission’ is to assist the local public health emergency planner with the basics: “how to start and go through the process”. From forming a team to implementing a plan and maintaining it, the learner is thoughtfully guided through a version of FEMA’s emergency planning process, 6 Step Planning Cycle of the FEMA Comprehensive Planning Guide (CPG 101, version 2). In each step Mr. Stripling explains his own practice-based Does and Don’ts, tools, templates and worksheets while emphasizing essential elements of a good plan. A non-FEMA Crisis Action Planning, Step 7, and a variety of downloadable checklists add further depth to this essential presentation for emergency planners.
Learning Objectives:
- Define a disaster plan
- Differentiate ICS operation planning vocabulary
- Name the 6 action steps of the planning cycle in the FEMA Comprehensive Preparedness Guide
- Explain the main purpose of Concept of Operations
- Describe how vulnerable populations are assessed
- Describe critical key messages re: plan implementation and distribution
- Describe the Plan Design process and its key components
- Describe the environment of Crisis Action Planning
PHEP Capabilities:
Community Preparedness
Information Sharing
Emergency Operations Coordination
Community Recovery
Emergency Management
Online Course
1.25 hours
Columbia University
Columbia Regional Learning Center