Emergencies and disasters can occur anywhere in the world, affecting human health, people’s lives and the infrastructure built to support them. Environmental health problems arising from disasters are connected to their effects on the physical, biological, and social environment that pose a threat to human health, well-being, and survival: shelter, water, sanitation, disease vectors, pollution, etc. This module will provide an overview of these environmental health issues and describe the environmental health responsibilities during and after emergencies and disasters.
Learning Objectives:
- Define environmental health
- Describe the public health role in responding to the environmental challenges associated with incidents
- Identify possible health and environmental risks associated with disasters
- Describe how water quality can impact public health
- List services that can be compromised due to a disaster
- Understand the process involved in determining the appropriate vector control measures for a given situation
- Understand the importance of conducting a communicable disease risk assessment both prior to an incident and throughout the response and recovery phases
PHEP Capabilities:
Community Preparedness
Environmental Health
Online Course
45 minutes
University of Arizona
Mountain West Preparedness and Emergency Learning Center
Environmental Hazards