The Mass Care Series consists of four modules presenting different aspects of the public health response to a significant emergency incident. Topics covered include the management of mass casualty and mass fatality events, coordination of evacuation and sheltering operations, and utilization of volunteers in emergency response.
Learning Objectives:
- Define a mass casualty incident and the goals of mass casualty response
- List the differences between non-biological and biological mass casualty incidents
- Discuss the planning considerations pertinent to a mass casualty incident
- Describe public health roles in non-biological and biological mass casualty responses
- Discuss the challenges in the provision of surge capacity related to infrastructure, personnel, and supplies
- List the local and federal response assets available for mass casualty incidents
- Define mass fatality
- Describe the importance of mass fatalities planning in disaster preparedness
- Describe the Incident Command System (ICS) employed during a Mass Fatality Incident (MFI)
- Describe the role of public health departments and professionals during a MFI
- Identify planning considerations that need to be incorporated into MFI preparedness plans
- Understand the importance of interagency coordination in managing a MFI
- Describe the Mortuary Affairs (MA) system
- List the community assessments necessary for evacuation, mass care, and shelter planning
- Describe why it is important to establish working partnerships with other agencies and jurisdictions prior to a disaster incident
- Explain the importance of communication and education for successful evacuation, mass care, and sheltering
- List several reasons for evacuation success and failure
- Explain the role of public health personnel in managing the evacuation, mass care, and sheltering requirements of special needs populations
- Describe the roles of public health nurses, epidemiologists, environmental health specialists, and sanitarians in ensuring the health and safety of shelter residents
- Describe the role of public health in providing long-term mass care assistance to disaster victims
- List some of the benefits and challenges of working with volunteers
- Describe the steps needed to set up a volunteer program within a particular health agency
- List possible roles volunteers can play during different stages of the emergency management cycle
- Describe ways to best work with unaffiliated volunteers
- Describe some of the legal issues in working with volunteers and explain the steps that must be taken to address those issues
- List some of the basic forms and documents needed to run a Volunteer Reception Center
PHEP Capabilities:
Mass Care
Mass Care & Mass Fatality
Online Course
2 hours
University of Arizona
Mountain West Preparedness and Emergency Learning Center
Fatality Management
Mass Care
Volunteer Management