Electronic Bioterrorism Workshop for Sentinel Labs

The course consists of a Virtual Bioterrorism Workshop. In this interactive workshop you will determine whether to rule out or refer several organisms that are considered potential agents of bioterrorism by applying Laboratory Response Network protocols for Level A (sentinel) laboratories. When a possible agent of bioterrorism cannot be ruled out, you will view a video describing the clinical presentation and etiology of the agent. The Electronic BT Workshop is for all Sentinel Laboratorians and students. Both experienced Microbiologists and those with less experience will benefit from the workshop. Laboratorians who have spent more time in clinical Microbiology will be most likely to recognize the correct choices and will find the course easier than laboratorians who are less exlperienced in that area. This should not be a deterrent to those who are interested in broadening their knowledge about rule-out testing for potential agents of bioterrorism.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Rule out or refer organisms using approved Laboratory Response Network protocols for Level A (sentinel) laboratories
  • Select the appropriate tests to use in determining whether to rule out or refer an organism
  • Describe the notification processes if a presented organism cannot be ruled out as a potential agent of bioterrorism
  • Describe the etiology and clinical presentation of the organisms reviewed
PHEP Capabilities: 
Public Health Laboratory Testing
Information Sharing
Bioterrorism, Chemical & Radiation Emergencies
Online Course
1.5 hours
University of Iowa
Upper Midwest PERLC
Public Health Laboratory Testing