This program was originally developed in DVD format and mailed to Iowa's first responders, hospitals, and public health agencies. Its' goal is to provide Iowa’s First Responders with a consistent message regarding the history, prevention approaches, safety and legal considerations, and psychological issues involved in responding to a pandemic.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the history and current status of pandemic influenza
- Discuss safety considerations that must be implemented when responding to a pandemic influenza event
- Describe public health approaches that are in place for disease and illness prevention
- Discuss the legal issues that may arise when isolation and quarantine are implemented as disease containment strategies
- Discuss the psychological impact of pandemics in the responders’ performance
PHEP Capabilities:
Community Preparedness
Responder Safety and Health
Responder Health & Safety
Online Course
1.5 hours
University of Iowa
Upper Midwest PERLC