Stress Recognition and Management during a Disaster Response

The operations of large disasters and complex emergencies can overwhelm all responders. All of us feel stress but disaster situations can cause a higher level of stress due to the circumstances. In order to remain productive and effective as an emergency responder or volunteer it is imperative that you learn to recognize the signs of stress, know when you should seek help and learn self-care practices to help alleviate the effects of stress. This training will allow emergency responders and volunteers to understand stress within the context of emergency response, recognize when stress has reached a troubling level and learn to develop a self-care protocol for use during deployment in order to address the effects of stress and alleviate them.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Describe mental health protocols
  • Recognize symptoms of secondary stress
  • Identify self-care practices
  • Locate mental health resources in the community, at work, and amongst peers
PHEP Capabilities: 
Responder Safety and Health
Responder Health & Safety
Online Course
1 hour
Texas A&M University
Training and Education Collaborative PERLC