CHW Mental Health in Disasters

The effects of a disaster, terrorist attack or other public health emergency can be long-lasting, and the resulting trauma can reverberate even with those not directly affected by the disaster. This course will introduce you to the effects a disaster can have on mental health, and how promotores can be prepared to help.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Understand the definition of mental health
  • State the differences between mental health, mental illness and mental health problems
  • List the seven statistics that reflect the importance of mental health
  • List the common mental disorders
  • Describe the signs and symptoms of common mental health illnesses
  • Cite important facts that aid in mental health recovery
  • List the roles and responsibilities of Promotores in addressing mental health disorders
  • Describe the difference between a traumatic event and a disaster
  • Define psychological stress
  • List the symptoms of psychological stress
  • Understand how the public responds to disasters
  • List those at risk for psychological stress
  • Determine how people respond to disasters
  • Describe situations when you should refer people to mental health services
  • Understand who may be most at risk following a disaster
  • Identify methods to cope with field-related stress
  • Describe psychological first aid and the ways to utilize it
  • List the strategies that Promotores can use to assist members of the public following a disaster
  • Identify how to respond to special risk groups
  • List the issues that influence long-term recovery following a disaster
PHEP Capabilities: 
Community Preparedness
Community Recovery
Responder Safety and Health
Mental Health
Online Course
2 hours
Texas A&M University
Training and Education Collaborative PERLC