Logic Models and Outcome Measurement

Have you ever tried running a marathon? Whether you just want to get across the finish line or put in your best time ever, you need to plan for it. That plan might include getting the right running shoes, scheduling your practice runs, eating the right foods, and stepping up your speed as the race draws near. In essence, you've laid out a logic model for a successful outcome. In the same way, your public health efforts will be even better if you plan ahead, assess your progress, make needed changes, and reflect on the outcomes. This module shows you how to measure the performance of your local health jurisdiction using logic models and outcome measurement.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Describe the components and uses of a logic model
  • Define outcome measurements and why they are important
  • Differentiate between indicators and outcome measures
  • Describe potential uses of outcome measures
  • Identify measurable outcomes
  • Determine levels (e.g., community, system, agency, program) of outcomes
  • Identify outcomes vs. goals and objectives
Assessment & Evaluation
Online Course
45 minutes
University of Washington
Northwest PERLC