Program Evaluation in Environmental Health

Your public health program is up and running but how do you know if it's paying off? This self-paced module can help you determine just that! First, you will receive some background on program evaluation—who, what, when, and why—and then you'll be taken through the steps to plan and conduct an evaluation. As you move through the module, you'll follow Joe Jones, an environmental public health manager, as he evaluates his food safety program. You'll see the evaluation process in action and learn how a successful evaluation can help you do your work even better.
Learning Objectives: 
  • List and describe the six steps of an evaluation process
  • Identify key stakeholders in an evaluation
  • Describe the components and elements of a program logic model
  • Outline a basic evaluation plan including data collection methods
  • List three ways to use evaluation data to draw conclusions about a program
Assessment & Evaluation
Online Course
1.5 hours
University of Washington
Northwest PERLC