Preparing for and Responding to Bioterrorism: Information for Primary Care Clinicians

This guide provides primary care clinicians with a basic understanding of bioterrorism preparedness and response, how the clinician fits into the overall process, and the clinical presentation and management of diseases produced by agents most likely to be used in a biological attack. It emphasizes the application of skills and knowledge to the clinician's role in preparedness and response. Modules include information about the smallpox vaccine and preventative measures for other biological agents.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Define bioterrorism
  • List epidemiologic clues that suggest a deliberate, as opposed to spontaneous, source of disease
  • Describe the reporting requirements if an intentional disease source or other reportable condition is suspected
  • Describe the general characteristics of, and appropriate infection control measures for, potential agents of biological terrorism: anthrax, smallpox, plague, botulism, tularemia, and viral hemorrhagic fevers
PHEP Capabilities: 
Emergency Operations Coordination
Community Recovery
Community Preparedness
Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation
Bioterrorism, Chemical & Radiation Emergencies
Toolkits and Guides
University of Washington
Northwest PERLC