Louisiana DHH EOC: Overview and Concept of Operations

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) provides training opportunities to DHH personnel, volunteers, and stakeholders who are assigned to response positions within the DHH Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Courses are designed to ensure that response personnel are adequately equipped with the skills and competencies to respond to an emergency within the state of Louisiana. This course will describe the purpose, functions, and organization of the DHH EOC. It will cover the structure of emergency response in Louisiana, the role of the EOC, as well as EOC communications, mission tracking, and response documentation.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Describe the purpose and functions of the DHH EOC
  • Describe the structure of emergency response in Louisiana
  • Describe the organization and workflow of the DHH EOC
  • Demonstrate the proper procedure for fulfilling and documenting requests for resources
PHEP Capabilities: 
Community Preparedness
Emergency Management
Online Course
3 hours
University of Alabama
South Central PERLC